Supra generations

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    Supra generations

    The Toyota Supra Community for all Supra generations

    Toyota Supra A90

    Owners of the fifth generation Toyota Supra are thrilled about that car

    Toyota Supra MKIV

    In July 1993, the fourth and so far last generation of the Supra came on the market. Internationally, this type is called " Supra MKIV ".

    Toyota Supra MKIII

    In early 1986, the third generation of the Supra was introduced. It is also the first that has not been marketed with the suffix Celica.

    Celica Supra (MK2)

    The second generation was presented in the fall of 1981 and had a completely independent drive with the new (170 hp) 6-cylinder engines.

    2000GT & Supra MK1

    The first Supra built from spring 1978 to summer 1981 was still offered as a top version of the Celica first in Japan and later in the United States.

    Japanertreffen in Schwyz 14.08.2011 | Forum

    Stefan-MA70 Driver
    Hallo allerseits,

    ist jemand von euch vor Ort?

    Hab vor auch hinzufahren sofern Wetter OK ist - allerdings mußte ich heute mittag feststellen, dass ich meinen Vorderreifen gekillt habe. Mein Reifenhändler setzt alles dran, dass ich bis morgen einen neuen bekomme.
    Wenns mit dem Reifen klappt -und Wetter passt- fahre ich hin.

    Kennt jemand das Treffen, lohnt sich der Weg??
    Oxwall Community Software